Today we spent the day with my sister-in-law Kay, her 3 kids (Mary Helen, Andrew, and Jack), and my nieces (Lauren and Grayson). There were a total of seven kids to two adults. We started the day by having a "picnic" lunch at a nearby park. It was not a traditional picnic - we picked up Zaxby's. The weather was perfect - not too hot. After eating, the kids played some basketball and ran around the park. We then decided to continue the day at the pool. Kay's subdivision has a great pool with a child's pool and an awesome slide. The kids had so much fun!!! They played for almost 4 hours. (They should sleep really well tonight.) When they weren't swimming they were building tents with the pool chairs and towels. It was so cute. Some other kids saw their tents and also made an attempt to create their own. It was such a wonderful day. Marshal even got to join in on the fun. He swam and then took a nice long nap. He loves the pool!!!

The girls enjoying the pool!

The boys building their tents.

The AWESOME slide!!!

Marshal enjoying the pool with his cousin Mary Helen.
It was such a great day! I enjoyed spending time with my sister-in-law Kay. It was great to have some adult conversations. The best part was watching the kids play enjoy being together. I hope that they will always be close and will remember growing up and making such wonderful memories with their cousins. I hope there will be many more days like today!!!
I love the pictures...Mitchell and Marshal are sooo cute!!! Yay...now I can comment =)
hey Anna! Love the pictures! Cute blog name! Brittany, you need to set yours up like this...i have to comment under Name/URL because I am not a member and you dont have that option on yours. And no yall, I'm not going to start my own blog thank you very much! But I will read yours faithfully! :)
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