AHH! A bear!!!!
Mitchell fishing with Poppi. What great memories!
John's dad has some great pictures of John and Mitchell - hopefully I can share those soon.
He is growing up so fast. I know I say that a lot but its true. Lately he's been...
1. He's been eating baby food once a day. LIKES: Sweet Potatoes and Squash DISLIKES: Carrots COMING SOON: Green Beans and Bananas
2. Today he started rolling over from his back to his tummy. We've laid him down for a nap and found him on his stomach twice today.
3. He gives kisses. Seriously - He will grab your face and open his mouth to give a kiss. It is full of drool but most definately the sweetest thing.
4. He's really into talking. He will take turns talking to me like we are carrying on a conversation.
It is so fun to watch my boys grow up and to watch their personalities develop. I love them sooo much. Words cannot describe my love for them. Its a constant reminder of Christ's love for us - unconditional.
1 comment:
Great pics Anna! Mitchell is definitely the cutest fisherman I have ever seen! (shh, don't tell Parker!) And Marshal is growing up way too fast. I love that close up picture of him. He is the easiest baby to take care of! Such a sweet demeanor about him. Great update!! : )))
PS- I finally updated my blog! LOL
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