It is Thanksgiving Eve, and we have a busy day tomorrow and Friday. As I've been cooking and working around the house, I've been thinking about what a lucky person I am. I wanted to share my top 9 things that I'm thankful for in 2009. (In no particular order...)
I'm thankful for...
1. For my husband, John. He is wonderful and I truly mean it! We've been married for 7 years and still enjoy being together. He is an awesome father to our children. I love you John.
2. Mitchell - my first born child. He is such a blessing in my life. He is such a sweet older brother. He has such a big heart.
3. Marshal - my little man. He is almost 8 months old and is going to start crawling soon. He is such a happy child and I can already tell that he is going to have a big heart like his brother.
4. My family - I have such wonderful parents, brother, and sister. My parents taught me what a loving relationship looks like and so many other things about life. They continue to be wonderful grandparents. In fact my mom keeps Marshal each day while I'm at work. It is such a blessing to know that he's with someone who loves him each day.
5. John's Family ... I know many people don't really get along with their in-laws but I love my in-laws! I enjoy spending time with John's family as much as I do my own. Being the oldest in my family, I gained older brothers and sisters when I married John. We are really close to John's sister, his brothers and their wives, their children. I love that Mitchell and Marshal know their cousins so well.
6. Being saved by grace - The Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! I accepted Christ as a teenager and God is such a big part of my life. I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home and now our children are too. I pray for the day that Mitchell and Marshal will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
7. Shelter, food, the essentials- Many people are going through some difficult times right now. We are blessed to have a home and able to put food on the table. At school, I see it daily - students without their basic needs being met and it is so sad.
8. My co-workers- (This may seem weird) I'm blessed to work with such great people. Many of them love the Lord and it makes the day more enjoyable when you can relate so closely with the people you work with. The other teachers in my grade-level take care of each other. When I was out last year on bedrest they took care of my classroom so that I wouldn't have to worry about anything. It was not something that I asked them to do...they just did it because they care.
9. My grandmothers - I have two amazing grandmothers! Ma and Mawie you are both such a big part of who I am today. I'm thankful that I've been able to spend so much time with both of you. They, too, have set the example of a Godly woman in my life. You both mean the world to me!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Happy, but Rainy Halloween! (including Pumpkin Carving and 7 months old)
Crazy title, huh? It sums up life in the Humble Household...
Well, I should totally be fired from blogging because it has been a month since my last post. Life is crazy...I've had a lot of ideas.. but just no time. This has the potential to be a long post...
It all began a couple of weeks ago when we went to a pumpkin patch in Dawsonville and got two pumpkins. One was to carve and the other was Marshal sized. Then the next week we spent some quality time together carving the pumpkin. Mitchell and I did most of the gutting and John did the cutting. Marshal mostly just watched. I gave Marshal some of the guts to touch. He didn't like it. I think that our pumpkin turned out really cute... Too bad it was rotten a whole week before Halloween.
Well, I should totally be fired from blogging because it has been a month since my last post. Life is crazy...I've had a lot of ideas.. but just no time. This has the potential to be a long post...
It all began a couple of weeks ago when we went to a pumpkin patch in Dawsonville and got two pumpkins. One was to carve and the other was Marshal sized. Then the next week we spent some quality time together carving the pumpkin. Mitchell and I did most of the gutting and John did the cutting. Marshal mostly just watched. I gave Marshal some of the guts to touch. He didn't like it. I think that our pumpkin turned out really cute... Too bad it was rotten a whole week before Halloween.
The final product ... (aren't they just so cute!)
Then on Halloween went spent time with both my family and John's family. We always eat with John's family and the cousins go trick-or-treating together. It is so fun! This year was no different. We went to John's brother's house and ate chili. YUMMY! Then headed out for candy. But...before we took the first step it started raining again, so John took Marshal inside and Mitchell and I grabbed umbrellas and went on our way. Mitchell had fun and got a lot of candy. Being their mom I might be a little prejudice, but I had some pretty cute trick-or-treaters. Mitchell was a fisherman (he used all his stuff from Montana) and Marshal was a monkey (banana included).
And on top of this crazy weekend - Marshal turned seven months old. I truly can't believe that he is that old. I know that I say that every month, but its true. Then I look at Mitchell and I think how fast he is growing up. I just want to stop time and cherish every minute.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Yard Sale
This weekend we went to the big yard sale in the Reunion subdivision. John's brother lives in the subdivision so he let us know what was going on. We normally participate in the Reunion's bi-annual yard sales (Fall and Spring). We will spend all night getting ready the day before and then spend all morning selling. It is exhausting but so much fun! Everytime that we have participated we have made at least $200. People will buy anything! This year was different. We didn't sell this year - instead I was on a mission to buy Marshal some clothes for this fall. My sister and I started at 8am on Saturday and walked the whole loop (about 1.5 miles). Then I met John at his brother's house to get the kids. I fed Marshal and then we went back out. We had skipped some of the side streets. At that point I hadn't had much luck finding clothes that were Marshal's size. I hit the jackpot! The side streets had so much more stuff. John came around and picked us up and drove us around from house to house. I was able to get 24 clothes pieces for Marshal, two books, two picture frames, a wooden stool, and some toys for a total of $30. Now that is some deal hunting and some of the clothes still have tags on it. Next yard sale I will definately be out their again!!! It was so much fun and some great excercise.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Today you turned 6 months old. I can't believe that you are half a year old and in 6 more months you will be a whole year old. You are growing up so fast. It seems like only yesterday your dad and I were only driving to the hospital with you on the way. I remember holding you for the first time - you were so little. You are such a blessing in our lives. I love watching you grow in learn. Here are six things about you, my little six month old...
Today you turned 6 months old. I can't believe that you are half a year old and in 6 more months you will be a whole year old. You are growing up so fast. It seems like only yesterday your dad and I were only driving to the hospital with you on the way. I remember holding you for the first time - you were so little. You are such a blessing in our lives. I love watching you grow in learn. Here are six things about you, my little six month old...
1. You love to eat. So far you have tried sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, green beans, english peas, pears, bananas, peaches, and applesauce. You like almost everything that you try except for the carrots and peas.
2. You love your bear-blanket. Your dad and I call it your "baby" and Mymer calls it your 'lovie." When we put you to bed you reach your little arms up and wait for it. Then you take it and squeeze it. It is the cutest thing! 3. You love your brother. It is truly amazing how I can already tell that you admire and look up to him. When you see Mitchell your face lights up with the biggest smile. You even watch him walk around the room.
4. You laugh at the weirdest things. You laugh when we sneeze and think that the fly swatter is hilarious. If we pretend to swat flies you will laugh until you have this deep belly laugh. It is the funniest thing.
5. You enjoy exploring new things. Recently you have started sitting up - this has given you a new perspective on the world. You have discovered the patterns on the rugs, magazines, toys, and continue to play with your toes. You love your toes!
6. You like to give kisses. Okay - it is not really a kiss - it is more of an open, drooling mouth on the face. My favorite is when I have worked all day and I come to pick you up and you grab my face and give me a kiss. This truly melts my heart!!
I love you so much!!!
I can't leave Mitchell out!
I'm so proud of you! You are at such a fun place in life. You are learning to read. Each day you come home and tell me something new that you have learned or discovered. You are turning into a young man in front of my eyes. You are such a blessing in our lives! I can't believe that you are 6 and a half years old. Here are six things about you...
1. You like school but your favorite part is recess and then lunch!
2. You are a good reader! I'm amazed each day at how well you read.
3. You are an awesome big brother. I know that it is sometimes hard being the oldest child and it has been an adjustment for you, but I know that you love your brother. When we get home from school the first thing that you want to do is give your brother a kiss. How sweet!
4. You have lost 3 teeth. You lost your 3rd one today. I can't wait to see how much money the tooth fairy leaves you.
5. You like watching TV and playing on the computer! Your favorite website is Poptropica. You will watch anything that comes on the Disney Channel.
6. You are the most organized child I know. Today you asked for an organizer case for your DS. You have 3 organizer cases for your many Bakugans. Each one of your toys has a place and you know where everything is.
I love you so much!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sitting Tall
Marshal is beginning to sit like a big boy. He thinks that he is so big. It makes me so nervous that I'm normally sitting right there with him but I had to get a picture. I put pillows all around so if he did fall he would not bang his head.
When he sits he likes playing with his toys. His favorite is a magazine - I've learned to give him old ones because he will tear it up. He's still learning and sometimes falls over head first - in slow motion. Then he wiggles to try to get the toy he's lost. He wants to crawl so bad. I don't think that I'm ready for him to crawl but it won't be long before he does.
When he sits he likes playing with his toys. His favorite is a magazine - I've learned to give him old ones because he will tear it up. He's still learning and sometimes falls over head first - in slow motion. Then he wiggles to try to get the toy he's lost. He wants to crawl so bad. I don't think that I'm ready for him to crawl but it won't be long before he does.
Look how big...
He's always sticking out his tongue so this picture fully captures his personality.
A Humble Birthday!
Last weekend we celebrated another Humble birthday. My niece turned 7. All the Humble's went to John's parents' house for the party. The grandkids had on red UGA Bulldog shirts so we couldn't resist a picture. Its so nice to be so close to both John's family and mine. I had that growing up and would not trade a minute of it. Family is so important to me and John both. It is very rare these days for children to see their cousins, aunts, and uncles on a regular basis. We are so blessed!!!
A picture of all the cousins! Marshal was fussy so John sitting in the background holding him up in the picture. It is hard to get 8 kids smiling and looking at the camera all at the same time!
Before the party, Marshal was able to take part in a Humble tradition. All of the grandkids sit "the bowl" when they just start sitting up. He looks so big!!! (I think that he's trying to wave.)
Here's Mitchell in "the bowl" when he was little. Look at the similarities - hey you might think that you are seeing the same child.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Little Sis' Birthday!
I have felt very reflective today. This is not a normal post...
Today my little sister turned 19. I can't believe that she will enter her twenties in just one year. I already feel old. This is a shout out to Em.
Today my little sister turned 19. I can't believe that she will enter her twenties in just one year. I already feel old. This is a shout out to Em.
Em - you are a special young lady who is going to do great things with your life. I'm already proud of the all the accomplishments you have made. I've always admired your ability to make such good choices. I'm proud to be your big sister! My advice to you is to always follow your dreams - no matter how big or small. I know that you might not understand your place in life right now - but I know that God is working on his plan for your life. You are where you are because that is where God wants you to be. (Some wisdom that I have to remind myself everyday!) I LOVE YOU!!! Mitchell and Marshal think that your are an awesome aunt!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Start 'em Young and Raise 'em Right!
Last week was the beginning of football season. We are huge UGA Bulldog fans. We spent the day at my parent's house. My dad had cooked some chicken fingers and wings. They were sooo yummy!!! Although the dawgs lost, we still had a great time.
Marshal's first UGA game. (I think he loved it - well, maybe unitl uncle P yelled at one of the football players ... Marshal jumped and started crying.)

Uncle P making everything okay!

The brothers enjoying the game.

Hopefully the dawgs will have a better showing today! GO DAWGS! SIC 'EM!!!
Marshal's first UGA game. (I think he loved it - well, maybe unitl uncle P yelled at one of the football players ... Marshal jumped and started crying.)
Uncle P making everything okay!
The brothers enjoying the game.
Hopefully the dawgs will have a better showing today! GO DAWGS! SIC 'EM!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A Safe Return!
Mitchell and John made a safe return home from Montana on Saturday. I was so excited to see them both. Marshal just lit up when he saw his brother. He leaned in and gave him a kiss. Here are just a few pics from their travels...
AHH! A bear!!!!

Mitchell fishing with Poppi. What great memories!
John's dad has some great pictures of John and Mitchell - hopefully I can share those soon.

He is growing up so fast. I know I say that a lot but its true. Lately he's been...
1. He's been eating baby food once a day. LIKES: Sweet Potatoes and Squash DISLIKES: Carrots COMING SOON: Green Beans and Bananas
2. Today he started rolling over from his back to his tummy. We've laid him down for a nap and found him on his stomach twice today.
3. He gives kisses. Seriously - He will grab your face and open his mouth to give a kiss. It is full of drool but most definately the sweetest thing.
4. He's really into talking. He will take turns talking to me like we are carrying on a conversation.
It is so fun to watch my boys grow up and to watch their personalities develop. I love them sooo much. Words cannot describe my love for them. Its a constant reminder of Christ's love for us - unconditional.
AHH! A bear!!!!
Mitchell fishing with Poppi. What great memories!
John's dad has some great pictures of John and Mitchell - hopefully I can share those soon.
He is growing up so fast. I know I say that a lot but its true. Lately he's been...
1. He's been eating baby food once a day. LIKES: Sweet Potatoes and Squash DISLIKES: Carrots COMING SOON: Green Beans and Bananas
2. Today he started rolling over from his back to his tummy. We've laid him down for a nap and found him on his stomach twice today.
3. He gives kisses. Seriously - He will grab your face and open his mouth to give a kiss. It is full of drool but most definately the sweetest thing.
4. He's really into talking. He will take turns talking to me like we are carrying on a conversation.
It is so fun to watch my boys grow up and to watch their personalities develop. I love them sooo much. Words cannot describe my love for them. Its a constant reminder of Christ's love for us - unconditional.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fishing Update
I've talked to John and Mitchell several times this week. I think that they've had so much fun. Every time that I've talked to Mitchell he's either told me about a fish he caught or some animal that he saw. I've missed them both so much this week. I can't wait to see them. Their flight is supposed to land in Atlanta at 9pm tomorrow night. I hope that they've taken lots of pictures and have some of the trip recorded on video. I did receive this picture this week ....
Ahh to be wearing a jacket... if it only was cold enough!

While the boys have been away Marshal and I have been staying with my mom and sister. It just made the whole week easier for all of us. I've enjoyed spending time with them - just the girls and Marshal. Tonight my mom and I went to one of my favorite places to eat - Cali N Titos in Athens. I rarely go there - but we both love their Cubano sandwich. It is truly an experience. You have to go to understand. It looks like it has been taken out of Mexico City and placed in the middle of Athens, GA. Tomorrow I will be waiting for John and Mitchell to come home - but it will be very late. Pray for safe travels for the whole group.
Ahh to be wearing a jacket... if it only was cold enough!

While the boys have been away Marshal and I have been staying with my mom and sister. It just made the whole week easier for all of us. I've enjoyed spending time with them - just the girls and Marshal. Tonight my mom and I went to one of my favorite places to eat - Cali N Titos in Athens. I rarely go there - but we both love their Cubano sandwich. It is truly an experience. You have to go to understand. It looks like it has been taken out of Mexico City and placed in the middle of Athens, GA. Tomorrow I will be waiting for John and Mitchell to come home - but it will be very late. Pray for safe travels for the whole group.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sweet Potatoes - YUMMY, YUMMY!
Two posts in one day - well I'm trying to catch up...
Marshal started eating real baby food last Friday. I started with sweet potatoes. Right now he only gets baby food at dinner. He also went to the doctor for a check-up. He weighed 14 pounds 7.5 ounces and was 25.5 inches long. He's growing up so fast!
Pictures from Marshal's first meal...
"I'm not really sure about this"

He's beginning to enjoy his food and learning how to eat. Last night I intoduced carrots.
Marshal started eating real baby food last Friday. I started with sweet potatoes. Right now he only gets baby food at dinner. He also went to the doctor for a check-up. He weighed 14 pounds 7.5 ounces and was 25.5 inches long. He's growing up so fast!
Pictures from Marshal's first meal...
"I'm not really sure about this"
He's beginning to enjoy his food and learning how to eat. Last night I intoduced carrots.
Well it has been a while since my last post. LIfe has just been crazy!! John and Mitchell left for Montana today. They will return next Saturday. I don't know what I'm going to do without them for a whole week! I've never been away from either one of them for this long. I know that they are going to have so much fun. It is a big guy's trip which includes - John, Mitchell, my dad (Dubby), John's dad (Poppi), my brother (Parker), John's brothers (Charley and Wright), my cousin (Michael), and two of Charley's friends from high school. Their trip includes a lot of fishing and a lot of eating.
We went to Montana in July 2008 as a family with my parents. It is truly one of the most beautiful places that I've ever seen. We visited Yellowstone and saw Old Faithful. It was so much fun and I even caught a fish.
The views...

Fishing Slough Creek 2008 (after a 6 mile hike)

Emily, Parker, Mitchell, John, and Anna

Thinking about them leaving brings up so many good memories from our trip. The most special part of our trip was that my grandmother (Mawie) was able to go with us. Those are priceless memories!!
I hope the boys make some awesome memories and I will share pictures soon.
We went to Montana in July 2008 as a family with my parents. It is truly one of the most beautiful places that I've ever seen. We visited Yellowstone and saw Old Faithful. It was so much fun and I even caught a fish.
The views...
Fishing Slough Creek 2008 (after a 6 mile hike)
Emily, Parker, Mitchell, John, and Anna
Thinking about them leaving brings up so many good memories from our trip. The most special part of our trip was that my grandmother (Mawie) was able to go with us. Those are priceless memories!!
I hope the boys make some awesome memories and I will share pictures soon.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Beep, Beep, Honk!
Yesterday we went over at John's parents' house. Marshal got a chance to play with a new toy. My sister-in-law, Kristie, had left a jumpy-saucer type thing over there just for Marshal. We had to see if he was big enough to play in it. When we put him in it his head barely peered over the seat, but he just held his head high and looked at all the colorful things around him. I think that he really enjoyed sitting in it. It is in the shape of a car so it has a steering wheel and keys. Marshal is not quite big enough to reach them. He was mesmerized by all the bright colors. He was so cute in it!
Well, hello there!

Mitchell had to get in on the fun!
Well, hello there!
Mitchell had to get in on the fun!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mitchell, 1st Grader at Last
This past Monday Mitchell started first grade. He was sooo excited! He had been counting down the days for at least two weeks. I had asked him over the weekend if he wanted me to walk him to his room. My heart melted when he said yes! (I know that there will been a day when he will want to walk alone b/c mommy won't be as cool as she is right now.) I really don't remember being that emotional about Mitchell starting Kindergarten but I did feel a tear when I dropped him off on Monday. It was like he was truly a big boy. I also knew that I would not see him at all during the school day. Last year I saw him about 3 times a day. My schedule followed his. I used to look forward to the times that I would see him at school and now I only see him at the end of the day. Mitchell loves school and I'm so happy that he does! Recess, like most other students, is his favorite part of the day. He's growing up so fast - I can't believe that he is in first grade. Here's pics of the big boy on his first day of first grade....
Walking to class...

Almost there...Mitchell's classroom is at the end of a long hall...He asked why he had to walk sooooo far.

Finally at the door! His teacher, Mrs. Allen went with a frog theme. Very cute!
Walking to class...
Almost there...Mitchell's classroom is at the end of a long hall...He asked why he had to walk sooooo far.
Finally at the door! His teacher, Mrs. Allen went with a frog theme. Very cute!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
4 Months Old!
Today Marshal is 4 months old! I can't believe he is that old - the time has flown by. Marshal's little personality is starting to come out. He is such a sweet baby boy! Yesterday I was holding him and he was looking at me with his sweet eyes and just talking away. Of coarse he was just oohing and awing - but it was like we were carrying on a conversation. I think he was telling me what he had done this past week with Mymer (my mom). I went back to work this week and I'm so grateful that my mom keeps him for us!!! It makes my day easier knowing that he's in a place with love --- but I still miss him!! I also have to give a shout out to John - he wakes Marshal up and takes him to my mom each day. It is really nice because I not only get to sleep a little extra but Mitchell and I get some time for just the two of us. What can I say, I LOVE MY BOYS!!!
I had to take pictures of Marshal to document him being four months old...
"Who is that other baby in the mirror?"


There's that sweet smile :)
I had to take pictures of Marshal to document him being four months old...
"Who is that other baby in the mirror?"
There's that sweet smile :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish... A SHARK!!!!
We had a very busy weekend. John's uncle got married so went to Dalton, GA for the wedding. We decided to stay in Chattanooga, TN because we wanted to go to the aquarium and IMAX. We left around lunch and went straight to the aquarium. After waiting in line for about an hour for tickets we began our adventure through the two buildings. The first building features ocean creatures. I think that this was Mitchell's favorite. We started by "petting" sting rays.
Mitchell touching the sting ray!

Next we entered the butterfly room. There were butterflies every where! I personally enjoyed watching all the beautiful butterflies flutter by.

Finally we saw some fish. There was a very large tank with many, many different kinds of fish. They were all ocean creatures. This was by far Mitchell's favorite part. This tank had several sharks in it. I think Mitchell would've stayed at that tank all day and watched the sharks.
The boys enjoying the fish...

Marshal and me looking at all the fish. I think that he enjoyed looking at all the beautiful colors.

Mitchell looking for a shark...

OH NO! There it is! (Think Jaws music)

After taking our time in the Ocean Journey building we visited the River Journey building. I think that this was John's favorite part. This building highlights river habitats around the world. John loved watching the trout. He wished he had his fishing pole.
We really enjoyed the afternoon at the aquarium! I love the way that they've set the Tennessee Aquarium up. It is perfect for kids because you just follow the exhibits - most of the time you just zig-zag through. It is very stoller friendly! I actually think that I like it better than the Georgia Aquarium.
Just a side note: We stayed in Chattanooga, TN at the Sheraton Read House. It is a great hotel!! We bid on it through priceline and got it for $47 a night (before fees). HALF PRICE!!! It was such a great hotel- it even has a Starbucks. The room seemed bigger than a normal hotel room. It is definately the place to stay in Chattanooga.
This post does seem to go on and on - but I can't forget about the wedding. It was very sweet and simple. Here are some pics from the reception...
Marshal had fun dancing with his mommy.

John and I hanging out at the reception.

Mitchell was the life of the party! Here he is break dancing! He thinks he's just like the Jonas Brothers.
Mitchell touching the sting ray!
Next we entered the butterfly room. There were butterflies every where! I personally enjoyed watching all the beautiful butterflies flutter by.
Finally we saw some fish. There was a very large tank with many, many different kinds of fish. They were all ocean creatures. This was by far Mitchell's favorite part. This tank had several sharks in it. I think Mitchell would've stayed at that tank all day and watched the sharks.
The boys enjoying the fish...
Marshal and me looking at all the fish. I think that he enjoyed looking at all the beautiful colors.
Mitchell looking for a shark...
OH NO! There it is! (Think Jaws music)
After taking our time in the Ocean Journey building we visited the River Journey building. I think that this was John's favorite part. This building highlights river habitats around the world. John loved watching the trout. He wished he had his fishing pole.
We really enjoyed the afternoon at the aquarium! I love the way that they've set the Tennessee Aquarium up. It is perfect for kids because you just follow the exhibits - most of the time you just zig-zag through. It is very stoller friendly! I actually think that I like it better than the Georgia Aquarium.
Just a side note: We stayed in Chattanooga, TN at the Sheraton Read House. It is a great hotel!! We bid on it through priceline and got it for $47 a night (before fees). HALF PRICE!!! It was such a great hotel- it even has a Starbucks. The room seemed bigger than a normal hotel room. It is definately the place to stay in Chattanooga.
This post does seem to go on and on - but I can't forget about the wedding. It was very sweet and simple. Here are some pics from the reception...
Marshal had fun dancing with his mommy.
John and I hanging out at the reception.
Mitchell was the life of the party! Here he is break dancing! He thinks he's just like the Jonas Brothers.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
There's A First Time for Everything!
Just last week Marshal started turning over from his tummy to his back. It was crazy! I was letting him have some tummy time and he all of a sudden just rolled over. I kept rolling him back over and he would quickly return to his back.
Here are some pictures of Marshal practicing rolling over....

Marshal says, "Hello Mr. Cow!"

Yes, he finally rolls over!

Marshal has also moved from his cradle in our room to his "big boy" baby bed in his "big boy" room. I'm glad to say that he has made the transition nicely. Most of the time he will sleep until 6am. At that point I will feed him and then he will sleep until 9am. Its great right now because it allows me to sleep in a little. I'm not looking forward to next week when I start back to work and will have to stay up after his 6am feeding. He's growing up sooo fast!!!
Here are some pictures of Marshal practicing rolling over....
Marshal says, "Hello Mr. Cow!"
Yes, he finally rolls over!
Marshal has also moved from his cradle in our room to his "big boy" baby bed in his "big boy" room. I'm glad to say that he has made the transition nicely. Most of the time he will sleep until 6am. At that point I will feed him and then he will sleep until 9am. Its great right now because it allows me to sleep in a little. I'm not looking forward to next week when I start back to work and will have to stay up after his 6am feeding. He's growing up sooo fast!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Playing with Cousins

Today we spent the day with my sister-in-law Kay, her 3 kids (Mary Helen, Andrew, and Jack), and my nieces (Lauren and Grayson). There were a total of seven kids to two adults. We started the day by having a "picnic" lunch at a nearby park. It was not a traditional picnic - we picked up Zaxby's. The weather was perfect - not too hot. After eating, the kids played some basketball and ran around the park. We then decided to continue the day at the pool. Kay's subdivision has a great pool with a child's pool and an awesome slide. The kids had so much fun!!! They played for almost 4 hours. (They should sleep really well tonight.) When they weren't swimming they were building tents with the pool chairs and towels. It was so cute. Some other kids saw their tents and also made an attempt to create their own. It was such a wonderful day. Marshal even got to join in on the fun. He swam and then took a nice long nap. He loves the pool!!!

The girls enjoying the pool!

The boys building their tents.

The AWESOME slide!!!

Marshal enjoying the pool with his cousin Mary Helen.
It was such a great day! I enjoyed spending time with my sister-in-law Kay. It was great to have some adult conversations. The best part was watching the kids play enjoy being together. I hope that they will always be close and will remember growing up and making such wonderful memories with their cousins. I hope there will be many more days like today!!!
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