Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Humble Birthday!

Last weekend we celebrated another Humble birthday. My niece turned 7. All the Humble's went to John's parents' house for the party. The grandkids had on red UGA Bulldog shirts so we couldn't resist a picture. Its so nice to be so close to both John's family and mine. I had that growing up and would not trade a minute of it. Family is so important to me and John both. It is very rare these days for children to see their cousins, aunts, and uncles on a regular basis. We are so blessed!!!

A picture of all the cousins! Marshal was fussy so John sitting in the background holding him up in the picture. It is hard to get 8 kids smiling and looking at the camera all at the same time!

Before the party, Marshal was able to take part in a Humble tradition. All of the grandkids sit "the bowl" when they just start sitting up. He looks so big!!! (I think that he's trying to wave.)

Here's Mitchell in "the bowl" when he was little. Look at the similarities - hey you might think that you are seeing the same child.


LQS said...

How PRECIOUS Anna!!!Love It!

Brandy Vater said...

That is too funny about how much Marshal and Mitchell look alike at that age! They are beautiful and sweet boys! :)

Anna said...

THANKS - Brandy!